[GIS] Getting PyScripter to recognize Python installed with ArcGIS Pro


I am trying to get PyScripter 3.3 64-bit to run on my desktop computer. I was successful in getting PyScripter 32-bit to run, but I require the 64-bit version.

It seems that it is unable to recognize the Python (3.6.2) engine that was installed with ArcGIS Pro 2.1, when I attempt to launch PyScripter I receive the following error:

Error Message

What steps should I take to get PyScripter to recognize my installed version of Python?

*Note: I also currently have ArcGIS Desktop software installed on my computer with its version of Python (2.7.14).

Best Answer

I did a lot of research and determined that Pyscripter does not work well with virtual environments; therefore it does not work well with ArcGIS Pro 2.1; and I was unable to get them to connect.

I attempted to install Sypder from the Python Packages provided with ArcGIS Pro 2.1, but unfortunately I could not get them to work either; as the install kept failing. I contacted Esri regarding this issue and they stated that 'this problem can occur when the Python Package Manager doesn't have permissions to folders, or network access to reach the modules stored in Conda'. Then they suggested that I run conda install -c anaconda spyder in the Python Command Prompt, and it worked to install the package as long as I was running the Python Command Prompt as an Administrator. This successfully installed the Spyder package.

So I installed PyCharm Community Edition (https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#section=windows); and everything seems to work properly now. For the setup I followed the steps in the initial post at the following link (https://community.esri.com/docs/DOC-8359) and I am now able to work with the correct version of python.

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