ArcGIS Desktop – Methods for Getting Nearest Point Distance in ArcMap


How do you calculate the nearest distance from one XY coordinate to another XY.

I'm using Arc Map 10

I went into Arc tool box -> proximity -> then I only have 2 buffering options.

But under buffer I do not see any "near features" option

Best Answer

Based on your other question, you have a Basic license and so don't have access to the Near or Generate Near Table tools. But you can still do it with a Spatial Join. If your XY are just coordinates, you need to make point features out of them first. There are other questions here that cover that.

Spatial Join your points to themselves (if they're in the same layer) with a one-to-one join_operation and closest match_option. Specify a distance field name, and the output table of the join will include a column with the distance (in dataframe CRS units) from each point to its closest neighbor.

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