PostGIS – Obtaining Latitude and Longitude from a Linestring in PostGIS


I have a linestring geometry in my Postgres database. I wanted to extract the latitude-longitude coordinates of each point inside the linestring. Example


Till now, I have executed the query

SELECT st_astext(geometry) from warning_vmz;


"LINESTRING(7.17999 52.66463,7.17899 52.66563,7.17857 52.66604)"
"LINESTRING(7.2860666 53.1664885,7.2860666 53.1664885)"

so I have tried the another function

Select ST_DumpPoints(ST_GeomFromText(st_astext(geometry))) from warning_vmz;



If I use ST_DumpPoints(ST_GeomFromText(geometry)) then I get an error

ERROR:  parse error - invalid geometry
HINT:  "0102000020E6100000711300004C" <-- parse error at position 28 within geometry
********** Error **********

Best Answer

This is a syntax error, try this:

SELECT st_astext(((ST_Dumppoints (geometry)).geom)) as geom from warning_vmz;

note that this line is incorrect, "LINESTRING(7.2860666 53.1664885,7.2860666 53.1664885)" it is wrong, to add the new request to check the geometry for errors Why can PostGIS create LINESTRING from the same values of coordinates of the POINT type?

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