Geocoding Coordinates – Getting Lat/Lng from WKID, LatestWKID, and X Y Coordinates

coordinate systemgeocoding

I am receiving some JSON feed with this data

"geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
"spatialReference": {
    "wkid": 102100,
    "latestWkid": 3857

and set of coordinates like

"geometry": {
   "x": -11696523.780400001,
   "y": 4804891.0001000017

If there a way to convert this x and y to lat/lng which I can use in Google Maps?

I have read some references but there either I can`t see the answer, or it's goes very deep into GIS terminology which I just can't afford to learn at the moment.

Best Answer

You could use the ArcGIS server REST endpoint to convert to wkid 4326 (lat/lon). Here's a URL for one of Esri's sample servers:

ArcGIS projection engine

Pasting the coordinate in google maps gives you this (Littleton, right?):

If you just need to convert the occasional coordinate this will work fine, but I guess as soon as it's thousands of coordinates, you are going to want to automate stuff.

As for the meaning of latestWkid, see here:

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