[GIS] Getting information out of an ArcGIS .lyr file


I'm using ArcGIS 10 and I downloaded a Raster layer from here: http://bioval.jrc.ec.europa.eu/products/glc2000/products.php

When I unzip it I get the following files:

  • 1 Aux-File (15KB)
  • 1 ArcGIS-Layer (14KB)
  • 1 Tif Image (37MB)
  • 1 .lyr file (XML Document) (6KB)
  • 1 .tif file (XML Document) (15KB)
  • 1 .tif.aux file (XML Document) (5KB)
  • 1 .tif.ovr file (OVR File) (1.8MB)
  • 1 .tif.vat file (DBF File) (2KB)

When I open the .lyr Layer in ArcGIS I get a nice colormap with a good legend (as can be seen in the Table of Contents). Looking at the Attribute Table I see only numbers, no description.


Where does the .lyr file gets its information from?! I need its information to create a legend and to know which number is what.

Best Answer

The colormap is included inside the tif file. You can query it using gdalinfo.

The unique value in the attribute table should be sorted in the same order as the color map, but I would rather start from a copy of the existing lyr to create a legend instead of creating a new legend from scratch.

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