[GIS] Getting error in compiling make file for plugin build in qgis 1.8


I am using QGIS 1.8 for building plugin. For developing i am using following ref this link example. where in this step 6 where compile the makefile in OSGeo4W. gives error pyuic4:command not found. I am also showing print screen of error:enter image description here. Please help me to over come this error Or running same in python console of qgis 1.8

Best Answer

pyuic4 is part of PyQt4, which is part of OSGeo4W. In case its installer gives you a choice of what components to install, make sure you also picked pyqt4, which is short for "pythong bindings for qt4". Did QGIS not complain about python when you were using it (eg. the plugin manager)?

So, if you do have PyQt4 already, you may just need to set the search path, so pyuic4 can be found. Or in the unlikely case that the bundled version is missing this generator, install a full version from http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/download.