[GIS] Getting custom color palette in rasterVis plot3D in R


I am trying to insert an RColorBrewer palette to visualize an elevation raster in R using the rasterVis function plot3D. The rasterVis reference document shows the following parameters:

plot3D(x, maxpixels=100000, zfac=1, drape=NULL, col, rev=FALSE, adjust=TRUE, ...)

However, when I use col= I get the following error:

Error in col(zlen) : 
  a matrix-like object is required as argument to 'row/col'

When I use color= I get:

Error in f(...) : 
  formal argument "color" matched by multiple actual arguments

I've also tried this:

color.palette = brewer.pal(11, "PRGn")

which renders the 3D-plot, but uses the default color palette.

This article does not provide a solution.
Nor have I found anything useful on GIS SE or Stack Overflow:

Best Answer

From ?plot3D:



col: A color palette generating function such as rainbow, heat.colors, and topo.colors, or one or your own making

You can use colorRampPalette to generate your own palette function from given colors, e.g.

r <- raster(volcano)
extent(r) <- c(0, 610, 0, 870)
plot3D(r, drape=NULL, zfac=2, col=colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, "PRGn")))