ArcMap – Getting Boundary of Raster Image as Polygon


I have a rectangular raster image in ArcMap.

How can I produce a polygon which is just the extent of the raster image?

That is, I want to have a polygon layer with a single quadrilateral which is the edge of the image.

I've tried simply doing a Raster->Polygon conversion, but this tries to use the data in the image to generate the outline – all I want is the outline of the edge of the image.

I'm using ArcGIS Desktop 10.

Best Answer

If you have the "Spatial Analyst" then you can:

  1. Multiply the raster by 0 to create a constant value raster using Raster Calculator. (be sure to convert it to integer type or step 2 will not work)
  2. Convert the result of step 1 to polygon using the Raster to Polygon tool.

Another solution:

If your have 3D Analyst license then you can use the Raster Domain tool under 3D Analyst>Conversion>from raster (however it does not have the smooth function)

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