[GIS] Getting address or location from Google Maps

google maps

How can one get the street address and/or coordinates of any location on Google Maps with a minimum of fuss?

Google Calendar will spawn a window with a map to the location one specifies in the "where" field, however a lot of the time the location it picks is wrong. If you append the "where" with coordinates in the form of "Whitehorse Fish Ladder @60.69635,-135.0404" or use a street address it gets it right, but what if you don't have the address at the tip of your fingers?

Best Answer

If you have the full map at the tip of your fingers, you can right-click on any location and get "Directions From Here" or "Directions To Here", which populates the from/to box with Google's nearest approximation of where you clicked.

You can also use "What's Here" to set a marker, which will have a associated lat/long in the corner (but doesn't appear to find roads or addresses)