GeoServer SLD – GetLegendGraphic and GetLegendUrl Filter by Extent


I tried to get a legend image from my GeoServer Instance filtered by extent (render only symbologies that are currently displayed on screen).

For this purpose I used the getLegendUrl function from OpenLayers 6 (docs here :

So far I tried this example :

But it does not work (even in this above example, any zoom to the map won't re-render the legend).

Now I tried this :

 var url = mylayer.getSource().getLegendUrl(mymap.getView().getResolution())

which gave me the good url with a SCALE parameter (which change every time I zoom in/out, because I had the listener on the 'change:resolution' event).

The URL looks like this :


URL-decoded :

base url : http://localhost:8080/geoserver/MyStore/wms



Any ideas on how can I make the SCALE parameter (or anything else) modify the legend by extent?


I found this old question : GetLegendGraphic with bbox or filter.
But it should be closed now because the link provided lead me to a 404 page…I did not found any questions on this specific issue anywhere else…

By the way here is my SLD (if it could somehow helps but I don't think that it has any effect here):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <Name>Junctions Polygon</Name>

        <Abstract>A sample style for junctions</Abstract>

                <Abstract>junctions 710</Abstract>

                <!-- like a linesymbolizer but with a fill too -->
                        <CssParameter name="fill">#FFFF33</CssParameter>
                        <CssParameter name="fill-opacity">1</CssParameter>
                        <CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>
                        <CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter>

                <!-- like a linesymbolizer but with a fill too -->
                        <CssParameter name="fill">#78D232</CssParameter>
                        <CssParameter name="fill-opacity">1</CssParameter>
                        <CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>
                        <CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter>
                <Name>Rule 1</Name>
                <Title>GreyFill BlackOutline</Title>
                <Abstract>Grey fill with a black outline 1 pixel in width</Abstract>

                <!-- like a linesymbolizer but with a fill too -->
                        <CssParameter name="fill">#AAAAAA</CssParameter>
                        <CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>
                        <CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter>



Okay I found this question : How to get the legends from geoserver

It somehow gives me a way to do this but it's a very hard way I think: It supposed to first request features by extent on my own and reduce those features by the symbology field name, and send back a request of getLegendUrl with a RULE parameter to get only the specific rules…

I would like to know why the SCALE params does not work…

Best Answer

As specified in the docs of GeoServer :

Content dependent evaluation is enabled via the following LEGEND_OPTIONS parameters:

countMatched: adds the number of features matching the particular rule at the end of the rule label (requires visible labels to work). Applicable only to vector layers.

hideEmptyRules: hides rules that are not matching any feature. Applicable only if countMatched is true.

Now the thingis that it also needs more params in the URL :

In order to support it the GetLegendGraphic call needs the following extra parameters:


2) SRS or CRS (depending on the WMS version, SRS for 1.1.1 and CRS for 1.3.0)

3) SRCWIDTH and SRCHEIGHT, the size of the reference map (width and height already have a different meaning in GetLegendGraphic)

Let's do this with the given exemple here

It has this function :

var updateLegend = function(resolution) {
  var graphicUrl = wmsSource.getLegendUrl(resolution);
  var img = document.getElementById('legend');
  img.src = graphicUrl;

Now in order to make it works as a "Content dependent" legend I added those steps :

First create two useful functions :

var getExtent = function () {
  return map.getView().calculateExtent()
var getProjectionCode = function () {
  return map.getView().getProjection().getCode()

Create a the CRS parameter :

  const crs = `&CRS=${getProjectionCode()}`;

Create the BBOX parameter :

 const bbox = `&BBOX=${getExtent().join(',')}`

Create the SRCWIDTH and SRCHEIGHT parameters :

 //For this first we need to import getWidth and getHeight functions 
 import { getHeight, getWidth } from 'ol/extent'
 // Then Create the params
 const height = getHeight(getExtent())
 const width = getWidth(getExtent()
 const heightAndWidth = `&srcwidth=${height}&srcheight=${width)}`

Create the LEGEND_OPTIONS params :

      const legenOptions = "&legend_options=countMatched:true;fontAntiAliasing:true;hideEmptyRules:true;forceLabels:on"

Finally build the url :

 img.src = `${graphicUrl}${crs}${bbox}${heightAndWidth}${legenOptions}`;

Job done : it works.

Final code :

import { getHeight, getWidth } from 'ol/extent';

var getExtent = function () {
  return map.getView().calculateExtent()
var getProjectionCode = function () {
  return map.getView().getProjection().getCode()

var updateLegend = function(resolution) {
  var graphicUrl = wmsSource.getLegendUrl(resolution);

  const crs = `&CRS=${getProjectionCode()}`;
  const bbox = `&BBOX=${getExtent().join(',')}`
  const height = getHeight(getExtent())
  const width = getWidth(getExtent()
  const heightAndWidth = `&srcwidth=${height}&srcheight=${width}`
  const legenOptions = "&legend_options=countMatched:true;fontAntiAliasing:true;hideEmptyRules:true;forceLabels:on"

  var img = document.getElementById('legend');
  img.src = `${graphicUrl}${crs}${bbox}${heightAndWidth}${legenOptions}`;

Of course : this is only the part of the code (in order to make it works it needs the map object, Geoserver instance with a WMS or WFS to query. Also, each service must be bound to an SLD with specified rules.

Now a last improvment of this function, just for less coupling purpose, is to remove the resolution params and get it directly from the map object, like so :

var currentResolution = map.getView().getResolution()

now the signature of the updateLegend function is empty, and will work independently:

var updateLegend = function() {
    var currentResolution = map.getView().getResolution()
    var graphicUrl = wmsSource.getLegendUrl(currentResolution);

//... rest of the code

Some screenshots :

Before zooming

After zooming