[GIS] Get the vertices on a LineString either side of a Point


I have a shapely LineString and defined a shapely Point which lies along the LineString.

How can I find the vertices of the LineString which lie either side of the point? (split the line in two).

This is very similar to this blog post by the author:

Except, instead of cutting by distance along the line, I want to cut given a point that lies along the line.

Best Answer

I don't understand your question:

line = LineString([(0, 0), (2, 2)])
# create a point which lies along the line
point = line.interpolate(1)

enter image description here

You want the two lines which lie either side of the point ?

line1 = LineString([line.coords[0],(point.x, point.y)])
line2 = LineString([(point.x, point.y), line.coords[1]])

enter image description here

Upgrade 1: with a line with multiple vertices

enter image description here

You need to iterate through the segments of the LineString to find the one that contains the point

The LineString must be iterate as pair to divide the line in segments.

def pairs(lst):
    for i in range(1, len(lst)):
        yield lst[i-1], lst[i]

 line = LineString([(0,0),(1,2), (2, 2), (2,3), (4,2),(5,5)])

 for pair in pairs(list(line.coords)):
      if LineString([pair[0],pair[1]]).contains(point):
          print LineString([pair[0],pair[1]])

LINESTRING (2.00 2.00, 2.00 3.00)

And you can use the previous answer: a rapid solution, for example ( this can be done better):

line1 = []
line2 = []
cp = False
for pair in pairs(list(line.coords)):
    if cp == False:
    if cp == True:
    if LineString([pair[0],pair[1]]).contains(point):
       cp = True
line1 = LineString(line1)
line2 = LineString(line2)


enter image description here

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