ArcMap 10.2 – Get Links in HTML Popup to Open in Default Browser Instead of IE


I have a field with a URL to a PDF. The field is used for hotlinking. When I use the hotlink tool or click on the link in the Identify window, the link opens in my default browser (Chrome), but when I click the link in the HTML popup it opens in Internet Explorer.

Is there a way to get it to open in the default browser instead? Having it open in IE is rather annoying since it does not handle opening PDF files very gracefully.

Best Answer


As of version 10.2, it seems you really can't get ArcMap to open an URL in any browser other than IE. But you can require the IE version you need to best render your content.

Supposing your Windows is properly updated, you should have IE 11 installed. If that is the case, you can produce HTML content, to open in the popup, comprising a meta tag like this:

<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=9">

This guarantees that IE will render your content in IE 9 document mode, instead of the standard IE 7 mode (default for the ArcGIS HTML Popup).

I hope this solves your problem.

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