ArcSDE – Where to Find jsde_sdk.jar for ArcSDE 10


I had an environment working with no problems, with Geonetwork harvesting metadata from ArcSDE 9.3. It was done trhu the following libraries, copied from the ArcSDE installation to the Geonerwork lib dir:

  • jsde_sdk.jar
  • jpe_sdk.jar
  • concurrent.jar
  • icu4_3_2.jar

After upgrading to ArcSDE10, the harvesting stopped working.

It is certainly because I'm using *.jars for version 9.3, while having a v10 ArcSDE, but the new installation doesn't have those jars.

Does anyone knows where to get them?

Best Answer

I think you'll get it along with the Java Development kit. Found this on the ArcGIS Resource Center:

During ArcSDE client installation, the following files are installed:

  • jsde_sdk.jar - Contains the ArcSDE Client, and Geometry Java API class files.
  • jpe_sdk.jar - Contains the ArcSDE Projection Engine Java API class files.
  • concurrent.jar - Provides standardized, efficient versions of utility classes --commonly encountered in concurrent Java programming.
  • icu4j_3_2.jar - ICU4J libraries required for globalization.

And for building applications:

To build applications with the ArcSDE Java API, users must have Java Development Kit version 6 or higher installed on your system. You must also add the jsde_sdk.jar, jpe_sdk.jar, concurrent.jar, and icu4j_3_2.jar files to your CLASSPATH.