[GIS] Get bounding box of WMS


Is it possible to request the bounding box of a WMS from GeoServer?
In my case I have a WMS that I show with L.TileLayer.WMS in a Leaflet map. I like to center and zoom my map to the WMS.

Best Answer

If you check the response of the GetCapabilities request, you'll see that each layer has a Bounding Box property, which gives its extent.

For example, you'll get something like:

 <LatLonBoundingBox minx="-123.042" miny="42.251" maxx="-122.772" maxy="42.438" /> 
 <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:4326" minx="-123.042" miny="42.251" maxx="-122.772" maxy="42.438" /> 

You will have to parse this yourself, using pure JavaScript Code. Leaflet doesn't have anything for parsing this.