[GIS] Geoserver SLD attribute-based symbology


I have a dataset where multiple attributes need to be shown with the same symbol. I can achieve this using multiple 'PropertyIsEqualTo' operators nested within 'Or' logical operators, see below example;


This seems a little inefficient, especially considering I have about 10 different symbol types each with about 10 contributing attributes.
Ideally you would just clean the attribute data up, or add a symbol field that grouped them together but that is not an option in this case.

Is there a more efficient way of doing this?

For example being able to list the attributes something like the below would be great;


Best Answer

Geoserver provides a set of non-standard SLD functions in addition of the standard SLD features. The 'IN' operator is part of these non-standard functions. Something like that should work:

       <ogc:Function name="in4">

Note that in the function in4, 4 corresponds to the number of arguments you specify. Change it according to the number of values in your list. The OGC Filter 1.0 standard used in SLD 1.0 restrains a fixed number of arguments, that's why the in function is provided as a serie of inX where X is the actual number of arguments you have to apply.

You can have a look to this documentation page and example: http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/styling/sld-tipstricks/mixed-geometries.html#geometrytype-function

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