[GIS] Geoserver optional symbology with variable substitution in SLD


I am trying to write an SLD that optionally takes a symbology for a PolygonSymbolizer and I can't work out how to do default to no symbology if the symbology env parameter is not set.

I have used the Variable Substitution example at http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/styling/sld-extensions/substitution.html as my basis.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sld:StyledLayerDescriptor xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/sld"
xmlns:sld="http://www.opengis.net/sld" xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc"
xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" version="1.0.0">
    <sld:Name>Configurable Polygon Style with Defaults</sld:Name>
      <sld:Name>Configurable Polygon Style with Defaults</sld:Name>
      <sld:Title>Configurable Polygon Style with Defaults</sld:Title>


                      <ogc:Function name="env">

                      <sld:CssParameter name="stroke">
                        <ogc:Function name="env">
                      <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-opacity">
                        <ogc:Function name="env">
                      <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">
                        <ogc:Function name="env">
                    <ogc:Function name="env">
              <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
                <ogc:Function name="env">
              <sld:CssParameter name="fill-opacity">
                <ogc:Function name="env">
              <sld:CssParameter name="stroke">
                <ogc:Function name="env">
              <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-opacity">
                <ogc:Function name="env">

I want to be able to essentially test whether the 'symbology' env parameter in the WMS request has been set and apply the enclosed styling otherwise default to having no <sld:GraphicFill>.

Does anybody have any pointers?

Best Answer

You have to add a filter that disables the rule completely if the env variable was not set