GeoServer PostGIS – Solving the Issue of Layer Not Updating in GeoServer


I created a WMS layer from a PostGIS table with a fraction of total polygons in GeoServer. Everything displayed fine.

Then, I added the rest of the polygons to the table in postgis. For some reason its not updating the layer. I tried restarting geoserver and its still not updating. How do I get geoserver to update the layer?

I use Open layers WMS layer and OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWMSLayer(polygons) to get polygon data.


UPDATE: I tried to click Compute from data/Compute from bounding box links to get the new MBR. Unfortunately, it did not update, so here's as much info as I can think to provide.

I have a set of polygons scattered around the US. They are from a pair of SHP files in WGS_1984. I started testing the system with a small set of 100 polygons and now that the system works, I wanted to add the the other polygons to the data. I used shp2sql to create a new table in postgis. Then I used a INSERT INTO polygons (SELECT from …) to add them to the table that geoserver uses. Now there is about 50k polygons in the table.

I tried updating the MBR as answers below suggest. Here are the current settings of the layer in geoserver:

Native SRS: EPSG:4326
Declared SRS: EPSG:900913

When I hit Compute from data for Native bounding box it gives me:

(Min x,Min y, Max x, Max y)

-10Mil, 5Mil, -10mil, 5Mil

and for the Declared:,,,

For whatever reason, they are now updating correctly. The MBR should cover most of the US now and not just that little portion in the middle.

Best Answer

Did you update the bounding box on the datastore page?

If it isn't that then we'll need more details of where you added the data, how you added the data and what errors and messages you get in the log file.


Something is wrong with your data - -10Mil, 5Mil, -10mil, 5Mil is completely wrong if your data is in 4326 (-180,180,-90,90). You may need to check what the actual data in the table looks like.

The easiest way to add a second shapefile to a table is the -a flag (see

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