[GIS] GeoServer Heatmap WMS style problem


I just try to visualize some points using GeoServer to publish them as WMS and bind this WMS to my Openlayers website using the GeoServer internal Heatmap process to visualize it. I don't want to use the Openlayers Heatmap function.

But there seem to be some problems, look here:

enter image description here

I'm using this Openlayers implementation to bind my WMS URL:


Changing the params to:

params: {'LAYERS': 'test:points','TILED': true,'STYLES': 'heatmap'},

And using this as SLD to define the Heatmap:


Any ideas why this happens?

Best Answer

When you make a tiled WMS request each request is a completely separate request, GeoServer has no idea of the others (in fact with a load balancer they could go to different machines). So when you ask for a tiled heat map it takes just the points in the area of the tile and makes a heat map of them. Obviously this doesn't work.

TL;DR; Solution: don't use tiles for heatmaps.