[GIS] Geoserver extremely slow performance on Raspberry pi model 3b

geoserverperformancepostgisraspberry pi

I have a postGIS database and tomcat8 with Geoserver installed in my raspberry pi model 3b running Ubuntu MATE.

The problem is, geoserver runs really slow, and I mean really slow. It takes up to 15 minutes to load just the presentation view in

This is not really an inconvenient anyway, since it's already configured (took forever), but since this is a service I have to use online for a map-based application, it's certainly not good.

We (my team) are working with leaflet, angular and spring, complementary to postgres and the geoserver for the layers. It takes literally 5 to 10 minutes to load the map every time a user moves through it or just zooms in/out.

I have no idea why, connection is good 100mbps up/down, the rest of the tomcat apps are running allright, it doesn't even have any load, it's 2 users at the same time max.

Best Answer

I believe you're trying to ask too much out of that hardware... running a GeoServer requires a "server" (a laptop PC will do, even a few years old), the Raspberry does not have enough computational power.

I believe that running a full fledged distro like Ubuntu MATE is not helping, but the real issue is the hardware.

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