[GIS] Georeferencing raster using GDAL and Python

coordinate systemgdalgdalwarppythonraster

I want to georeference a raster using python and GDAL. My current approach is to call gdal_translate and gdalwarp using os.system and an ugly list of ground control points. I'd really like a way to do this natively within python.

This is the current process I am using:

import os

os.system('gdal_translate -of GTiff -gcp 1251.92 414.538 -7.9164e+06 5.21094e+06 -gcp 865.827 107.699 -7.91651e+06 5.21104e+06  "inraster.tif" "outraster1.tif"')
os.system('gdalwarp -r bilinear -tps -co COMPRESS=NONE "outraster2.tif" "outraster3.tif"')

There is a previous question and answer from 2012 which states that gdal_translate can be accessed after importing gdal. I'm not sure if is obsolete, or whether it is wrong but when I run from osgeo import gdal I do not see gdal.gdal_translate as an option.

I don't know if it exists but I would love if I could translate and reproject rasters in a pythonic way. For example:

# translate
gcp_points = [(1251.92, 414.538), (-7.9164e+06, 5.21094e+06)]
gdal.gdal_translate(in_raster, gcp_points, out_raster1)

# warp
gdal.gdalwarp(out_raster1, out_raster2, 'bilinear', args*)

Is such an approach possible?

Best Answer

Here is an example that does roughly what you ask for. The main parameters are the geotransform array that gdal uses to describe a raster location (position, pixel scale, and skew) and the epsg code of the projection. With that, the following code should properly georeference the raster and specify its projection.

I did not test this much, but it seemed to work for me. You would have to make sure the coordinates I put in are correct and probably change the projection and the pixel scale/size. Hope it helps.

from osgeo import gdal, osr

src_filename ='/path/to/source.tif'
dst_filename = '/path/to/destination.tif'

# Opens source dataset
src_ds = gdal.Open(src_filename)
format = "GTiff"
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(format)

# Open destination dataset
dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(dst_filename, src_ds, 0)

# Specify raster location through geotransform array
# (uperleftx, scalex, skewx, uperlefty, skewy, scaley)
# Scale = size of one pixel in units of raster projection
# this example below assumes 100x100
gt = [-7916400, 100, 0, 5210940, 0, -100]

# Set location

# Get raster projection
epsg = 3857
srs = osr.SpatialReference()
dest_wkt = srs.ExportToWkt()

# Set projection

# Close files
dst_ds = None
src_ds = None