Georeferencing PDF without Losing Image Quality in QGIS


My recent project is to impelent a custom and georeferenced image to a leaflet map. I finisehd my custom map using inkscape now having a .svg and a .pdf vector data. As far as i know my next step should be the georeferencing of my image via QGIS, and thats where i need some advice. I already red some threads and tutorials but i couldnt figure out how to fix my recent problem: How to georeference a pdf with QGIS? I tried the georeference plugin for QGIS but this turn my pdf to a raster. The result is a big lack of image quality when zooming.

And furthermore i need to create a tile map with this georeferenced vector data. Is this even possible?

Best Answer

PDF with vector data cannot be georeferenced with the Georeferencer GDAL.

There are 2 plugins for referencing vector data:

1) vectorgeoref: It works similar to the plug-in for Georeferencer GDAL. However the version is only available in Italian language and up to 2.12 Wien run. If necessary I might provide a corrected / adapted version.

2) VectorBender: The plug-in also works with the current version 2.18. This version is not that easy to handle if you are not familiar to it. But once understood you can work quite well with it.

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