[GIS] Geonode ? What all can be achieved using it

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Ok i have searched the site and did not find enough information concerning regarding what is a Geonode so i really thought i may ask everyone who has used it to give their opinion.

I am trying to set a website with geospatial data and want to decide whether it is a good solution.

Is it a web application framework like Geodjango, Is it a CMS like drupal for Geospatial information ? Can it be used standalone to deliver both Geospatial and some non geospatial content ?

And honestly , why isn't is as popular as it ought to be ( is it because it is new ?)

The official documentation at http://geonode.org/ provides considerable documentation and examples but i want personal opinions of experts who understand it well.

Best Answer

From the site's about page:

GeoNode is a platform for the management and publication of geospatial data. It brings together mature and stable open-source software projects under a consistent and easy-to-use interface allowing users, with little training, to quickly and easily share data and create interactive maps.

You might also want to check the presentation on Slideshare that details the motivations and origins of GeoNode.

In a nutshell, GeoNode is the application of the lessons learned from social media platforms to spatial data infrastructures. The premise is that the original way of sharing spatial data is broken and that we should copy the features work in social media platforms.

GeoNode’s data management tools allow for integrated creation of data, metadata, and map visualizations. Each dataset in the system can be shared publicly or restricted to allow access to only specific users. Social features like user profiles and commenting and rating systems allow for the development of communities around each platform to facilitate the use, management, and quality control of the data the GeoNode instance contains.

A YouTube for geospatial data if you will.

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