[GIS] Geometry workflow from Shapely to GeoJSON


I'm undertaking a fairly simple workflow all within a python script with the goal of passing urlencoded GeoJSON in a URL to the Mapbox static API:

  1. create a point from DD string in EPSG:4326:
  2. convert to UTM for easier units and buffer the point generating a polygon
  3. transform back to WGS84 for the API
  4. generate valid, URL encoded GeoJSON string.

My hangup is the last part. I've used Shapely and pyproj to conduct 1-3 but using:

json.dumps(mapping(<shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon at 0x106a22690>)) (and several permutations of this) and encoding it using urlencode or url_quote generates an encoded URL with JSON that returns 'Invalid Geojson' from Mapbox.

I am optimistic that the geojson library may solve this, but I can't seem to find a simple way to convert a shapely Polygon object to a GeoJSON polygon object.

Best Answer

Decided to use the mapbox-sdk-py library instead. Works well but the pipeline from shapely to a map-able feature using the SDK is a little cumbersome (per this issue)

Need to add some features to the shapley (geom, below) object and encapsulate it in a list:

feature = [{'type': 'Feature', 'properties': {}, 'geometry': mapping(geom)}]

for the Static method to work.

Thanks @perrygeo and @sgillies for the hints.

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