[GIS] “Geometry type does not exist” on a Postgis installation on Fedora 18


Just installed PostgreSql and PostGIS over a brand new installation of Fedora 18. I did it this way:

sudo yum install postgresql postgresql-server postgrsql-contrib postgresql-devel pgadmin3

Once installed PostgreSql, I created the postgres user as usual.

Then, I installed PostGIS:

sudo yum install proj-devel gdal postgis

As a last step, I've created a new user (mydbuser) and a new db owned by that user:

psql -U postgres -W
createlang plpgsql mydb

Now, I've tried to execute the following line to use PostGIS on mydb:

psql -d mydb -U mydbuser -W -f /usr/share/pgsql/contrib/postgis-64.sql

but I get a long list of errors of the same type, this is the first line:

psql:/usr/share/pgsql/contrib/postgis-64.sql:7751: ERRORE:  il tipo "geometry" non esiste

In English, the message is 'ERROR: "geometry" type does not exist'.
I've also tried to execute the code as the postgres user, but nothing changed. Any ideas?


Best Answer

The problem is in Fedora 18 itself. Default repos will install postgis 1.5 and potgresql 9.2.4, but this two versions are not compatible. This is the compatibility table:


And this post seems to point out the problem:


...And an update ha been planned for Fedora 18 in order to resolve this issue:
