[GIS] Geometry datatype to latitude /Longitude MS SQL Server

geographysqlsql server

I need to convert Sql Server geometry datatype to latitude /Longitude

I have just imported a shapefile to my table (geometry)

This query does not work:-

   geom.Lat as [Latitude],
   geom.Long as [Longitude]
from dbo.special

Error I get is:

Could not find property or field 'Lat' for type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeometry' in assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Types'.

This query returns Latitude and longitude but the format doesnot seem to match google maps:-

select U.name, Centroid.STY as Longitude, Centroid.STX as Latidude
 ( select geom.STCentroid() as Centroid, NAME from dbo.special)


SELECT ST_X (ST_Transform (geom, 4326)),
   ST_Y (ST_Transform (geom, 4326)) 
   FROM special 


'ST_Transform' is not a recognized built-in function name.

Please suggest

Best Answer

Try using brackets around Lat and Long:

[geom].[Lat] as [Latitude],
[geom].[Long] as [Longitude]
from dbo.special