[GIS] Geojson taking long time to load in google map from database

geojsongoogle mapsMySQL

I am trying to load a GeoJSON file from a MySQL database but it is taking about 6-10 seconds to load the data into the map. This is what I have done so far.

I generate a GeoJSON file after doing a process which contains LineString geometries. The size of these files are about 4 to 5 MB. Then I store this data in a MySQL database. When I load the map I initiate the request of data from the MySQL database so that the data is in the client. I am currently using a button to load the GeoJSON into the map but it is taking long time (6 to 10 seconds).

I have seen some other posts similar to my issue which have suggested simplifying the geometry. But this is not an option for me right now.

Is there any other method to show this GeoJSON data faster?

I am showing data like this

var geojsondata = JSON.parse('data from mysql database already in the client side');

Best Answer

If you can't simplify your geometry, you may reduce the size of your GeoJSON file with reducing its COORDINATE_PRECISION

so, instead of 15 (default) after decimal delimiter, "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 101.44728385483901, 0.518614509749332 ], [ 101.44603305119549, 0.518614544886082 ], [ 101.44517243453565, 0.518629248927146 ] ] ] }

try to reducing it into 4 (or less if zero) number after decimal delimiter. "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 101.4473, 0.5186 ], [ 101.446, 0.5186 ], [ 101.4452, 0.5186 ] ] ] }

the different is barely visible on map whose scale less then 1:10000

You may check Point Compression Algorithm from Microsoft.