[GIS] Geographically Weighted Regression Using the Poisson Distribution


From my reading so far, GWR uses the Gaussian or bisquare distribution. My dependent and explanatory variables are rates. I was reading Chapter 12 of Spatial Statistical Data Analysis for GIS Users by Krivoruchko and saw this:

"For non-Gaussian data, gwr can be used with Poisson regression when input data are counts or rates and with logistic regression when data are binary or proportions."

How do I test my data to determine if I should use Gaussian, bisquare or the Poisson for my GWR analysis? What are the key differences between them? Since I was going to use ArcGIS for the GWR, is there a way I can select the Poisson?

Best Answer

I think this answers my question after spending some time on the web. From the text below, it seems that Gaussian is appropriate since I have some negative rates and my variables are not integers.

"Choosing the form of the regression model

Three items will control the form and output from a geographically weighted regression model:

  1. The nature of the dependent variable y:

    Continuous (linear or Gaussian model)

    Positive integer counts (Poisson model)

    Proportions or rates (logistic model)

  2. The nature of the explanatory, or "x" variable or variables



  3. The weight function(s)

    Geographical weights that control how neighboring locations influence values at specific locations

    Non-spatial weights to account for the reliability of data (e.g., population size for disease rate data)"

source: http://www.biomedware.com/files/documentation/spacestat/Statistics/Multivariate_Modeling/Regression/About_Geographically_Weighted_Regression.htm

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