qgis – Solving GeoDatabase (GDB) Import Not Working in QGIS3


I have a *.gdb which I normaly could load in QGIS version (3.4 / 3.8) following that instructions (or symply drag'n'dop): Installing File Geodatabase (*.gdb) support in QGIS?

But it returns a error: Invalid Data Source: […] is not a valid or recognized data source.

enter image description here

I also tryed ogr2ogr to translate it first in to shapefiles:

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" ./shp ./Schoeningstedt.gdb

With no result.
Whats wrong? Could anyone test my gdb? You can download it here: www.map-site.de/tmp/Schoeningstedt.gdb.zip

Best Answer

By opening a few of the biggest datafiles (.gbdtable) with a text editor I can see in the header lines texts like "rasterband_id", "rrd_factor", and "block_data". I guess that this geodatabase contains only rasterdata and therefore ogrinfo that runs with success does not find any layers.

ogrinfo Schoeningstedt.gdb
INFO: Open of `Schoeningstedt.gdb'
      using driver `OpenFileGDB' successful.

An old ticket about adding raster support into OpenFileGDB driver is at https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/7008.

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