[GIS] Geocoding with Latitude and Longitude in OpenLayers3

coordinate systemgeocodingnominatimopenlayersopenstreetmap

I have Longitude and Latitude, I would like to connect to Geocoding or Nominatim and get the address of these Lat and Lon.

I want to do it in OpenLayers 3 using OSM.

With help from @ThomasG77, I implemented ReverseGeocoding in my code with this function:

function simpleReverseGeocoding(lon, lat) {
    fetch('http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lon=' + lon + '&lat=' + lat).then(function(response) {
      return response.json();
     }).then(function(json) {

     return json.display_name;

But the answer of the JSON is:

Promise { <state>: "pending" }

When I show the address in my console:

console.log('http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lon=' + lon + '&lat=' + lat);

The address that it send is Kenia, or "Unable to Geocode"

Obviously, console.log(json.display_name); is undefined.

Do I have to know something about headers or something similar?

Best Answer

Just use the Nominatim reverse geocoding API.

After, it's mainly about knowing HTML and JavaScript.

I've done a simple demo for reverse geocoding using OpenLayers. You can look at the code on this GIST

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