[GIS] Geocoding – get lat/long from 11000 address


What I have:

  • an Excel file with 11 thousand address (street + zip code + city)
  • all address are from Portugal
  • the address are not accurate (some address have the name street in a short way)

What I am looking for:

  • get "geocodes" (latitude/longitude) of all address.
  • using a opensource API, or a service of a website

What I will do with the data collected:

  • with the "geocodes" I will create a file like a KML file with all address and some others information about each address
  • the "geocodes" will be use in a commercial product by the company I am working.

In my research I have found some API and websites. But I am not sure if they suit my requirements

  • Google Maps API
    • I think it was a limit if 2500 requests per IP per day.
    • I think I can not collect the latitude/longitude, only show the location in a Google Map webpage
  • Yahoo PlaceFinder API
    • I think it is not free
  • website Gisgraphy
    • The results on my test are not good for Portugal address
  • website GPS Visualizer's Address Locator
    • uses Google and API Yahoo API, So have the same restrictions above

Some links I found: