[GIS] Generating raster from isolines using SAGA or ArcGIS


I have a vector dataset of mean annual precipitation polylines, and I would like to generate a raster from them. I'm not sure the best way to go about it.

ArcGIS has the Polyline to Raster tool but from reading its help file I get the impression it's not really designed to do what I need it to do. Obviously some kind of interpolation is required.

I am hoping that SAGA-GIS might have a useful module. Either that or I guess I could convert the lines to points and then krige them.

Best Answer

Giving you GRASS and GDAL based answer if that's an option for you.

GRASS - r.surf.contour is the tool meant to interpolate contours to create DEM. http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Contour_lines_to_DEM#r.surf.contour

If using GDAL is an option, try this. ( Install OSGeo4W and run following from shell ). This is an easier option, but kind of a hack, so use with care.

Assuming your isolines layer is called isoline.shp and your polylines have an attribute named PRECIPITATION

Convert to raster , X is the resolution of the output raster

gdal_rasterize -a PRECIPITATION isoline.shp iso_raster.tif -tr X X

Fill intermediate values by interpolation, change XX to appropriate value.

gdal_fillnodata.py -md XX iso_raster.tif iso_raster_interpolated.tif -mask iso_raster.tif

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