DEM – Generating DEMs from Point Clouds and Differencing Them

dempoint cloudrasterstatisticstime series

I have two point clouds obtained via structure from motion (ground photos of sand-dunes + Visual SfM/Agisoft Photoscan).

If I wanted to generate a DEM from these point clouds and difference them to look at elevation/sediment change, how would I go about doing this?

Is there any free software that can achieve this easily? I am a beginner at using GIS software.

At the moment I am using the free trial of Agisoft Photoscan, which can export the point cloud in Wavefront OBJ, Stanford PLY, XYZ text file, U3D, ASPRS LAS, and PDF formats.

Best Answer

You want to generate DEMs from point clouds, and then, compare such DEMs.

The following posts have examples using free software:

  1. Generating DEMs from point clouds:

  1. Comparison of DEMs:

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