GDAL gdalwarp – Using gdalwarp Cutline with Shapefile


I am trying to clip my Raster file according to a shapefile geometry. I am using the following code

gdalwarp -cutline INPUT.shp INPUT.tif OUTPUT.tif

But it is resulting a black color outside the shapefile geometry extent. I am giving the example here. In the first Image that I want to clip. The second image is the resultant raster but I want the 3rd Raster where the outside of the geometry will be null.

1st Image: INPUT Raster

1st Image: INPUT Raster

2nd Image: OUTPUT Raster

2nd Image: OUTPUT Raster

enter image description here

3rd Image: I want to get output like this

Best Answer

You need to use the -dstalpha option to gdalwarp e.g.:

gdalwarp -cutline INPUT.shp -crop_to_cutline -dstalpha INPUT.tif OUTPUT.tif

This will add an alpha band to the output tiff which masks out the area falling outside the cutline.

A late answer, but hopefully it will help someone else with the same problem.

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