GDAL Translate JPEG to GeoTIFF Using Python – Step-by-Step Guide


I was able to convert my GeoTIFF images (from the SpaceNet dataset) to JPEGs using gdal_translate but I would like to know how to convert the JPEGs back to GeoTIFF. I've noticed that gdal_translate also creates an auxillary file with extension jpg.aux.xml when I do the conversion. Is this to be used for the conversion from JPEG to GeoTIFF? If so, how can this be done?

Best Answer

As the manual says, you can translate a raster image to GeoTIFF by specifying the appropriate driver:

gdal_translate -of GTiff in.ext out.tif

Note: In this particular case, ensure that the jpg.aux.xml file that was created when converting from geotiff to jpg is present in the same directory as the image you want to convert. This auxiliary file contains the all the necessary geospatial info and is used by gdal when converting back to geotiff.

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