Python – Solving GDAL_CALC Works but Python Error at End of Each Process That Prevents Automation

errorgdalosgeo4wpythonwindows 7

Python 3.4.1,
GDAL 1.11.0,
Windows 7,
OSGEO4W Windows Shell

All 64-bit

(ArcGIS is installed as well 10.2 with Python 2.7)

So gdal_translate works fine.

gdal_calc provides perfect outputs but at the end of each process I get the error below. This is a problem as I cannot automate anything due to this pop up error. I hit close and the error goes away, the output file is 100% perfect but then the next gdal_calc line gives me the same error.

This is a sample line of code that gives the error (almost all my gdal_calc commands give the error but not gdal_translate). -A 2000025-2000032.s0481pfv50-sst-16b.hdf.tiff_C.tiff -B C:\temp\QUAL\2000025-2000032.m0481pfv50-qual.hdf.tiffBINARY.tiff  --outfile=A25_32_SSTQUAL4.tiff --calc="A*B"

and this is the error. As I say the process actually works and will continue when I close the error box. After the word DONE appears the error pops up, I close the window and then the next line of code runs, then the error pops up again and so on.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Additional Error message generated

> Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name: python.EXE
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:    5193f3af
  Fault Module Name:    ntdll.dll
  Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.18247
  Fault Module Timestamp:   521eaf24
  Exception Code:   c0000005
  Exception Offset: 0000000000053290
  OS Version:   6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:    1033
  Additional Information 1: 8c64
  Additional Information 2: 8c64dfac0942d27b36722f7434c64847
  Additional Information 3: e156
  Additional Information 4: e156d5603c95b65c33088aa70929b4be

Best Answer

As an extremely heavy-handed, last-ditch-effort approach to this, you can disable the crash dialogs in Windows using the DontShowUI value in the Windows Error Reporting registry keys.

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