[GIS] gdal2tiles generates small picture inside 256×256 tile

coordinate systemgdalgdal2tilesgeotiff-tifftiles

I've used gdal2tiles for generating tiles in number of different polar projections and always experienced the same problem — strange small picture inside normal 256×256 png with the rest of space transparent.
I'm using -p raster option.

That's how one particular tile looks like http://grab.by/uNHw

And here is the whole map view.

how whole map with such tile looks like

Looking for suggestions. Gladly will switch to other utility/program that can generate tiles properly in non-mercator projections.

Source geotiff I use are arctic and antarctic maps:

Sample command I use: gdal2tiles.py -z 3 -p raster ibcso_background_hq.tif

Best Answer

I'm not sure why, but gdal2tiles does not seem to like a combination of -z and -p raster.

So I used call gdal2tiles.bat -p raster ibcso_background_hq.tif

and got the right picture in all zoom levels:

enter image description here

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