[GIS] Gdal vsicurl not working


I'm currently using gdal version 1.11.2 (also tested this on 2.0.0) to open AWS Landsat-8 data directly from its url.

If I manually test the link in the browser, it works. If I use /vsicurl/ the returned variable is None.

from osgeo import gdal

url = 'http://landsat-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/L8/139/045/LC81390452014295LGN00/LC81390452014295LGN00_B5.TIF'

src = gdal.Open('/vsicurl/%s' %(url))

print src

How can I fix this?

Best Answer

Fixed by downgrading gdal to 1.10.1.

Would be nice to know why /vsicurl/ isnt working in more recent versions of gdal, or perhaps I'm doing something wrong.

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