[GIS] Gdal ogrinfo CSV unable to open datasource


When I try to import a csv file into a PostgreSQL table with the Gdal ogr2ogr tool I get the "Unable to open datasource" Failure.
So I tried to open it with the tool ogrinfo and I get the same Failure.

I use it in a Ubuntu 10.10, with the package gdal-bin version 1.6.3-4build1.

This is the command:

> ogrinfo test.csv
Unable to open datasource `test.csv' with the following drivers.
  -> ESRI Shapefile
  -> CSV

This is the content of the "test.csv" file:


Any help?

Could it be the version of gdal bin? kind of old OS I know.

Best Answer

Ok. I think the problem is with the Gdal-Bin version. I tried in the same environment another csv file but with comma separator, not semicolon, and it worked.

Then I tried the "test.csv" with semicolon separator in my home pc, with the version of gdal-bin 1.7.3-6ubuntu3, and it was imported perfectly.

So my conclusion is that the gdal-bin version 1.6.3-4build1 has some problems importing CSV files with semicolon separator.

Thank you all for your comments.

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