[GIS] GDAL error – no create method for format – QGIS


I am trying to clip a raster layer. I am getting the error..

ERROR 6: GDALDriver::Create() … no create method implemented for this format.

The documentation (link below) says to use GeoTIFF (gtiff). The format GeoTIFF exists, but the extensions are .tif .tiff .TIF & .TIFF.

What am I missing?


Raster > Extraction > Clipper… Select a region. Give it a name. Hit OK. Note the tiff file types available.

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Best Answer

The command line in your first screen shot contains -of AIG. This flag overrides the .tif extension of the output filename.

According to http://www.gdal.org/frmt_various.html#AIG, this format is read-only.

You might have run into a bug when the file type in the file dialogue does not fit to the filename, or does not get updated correctly. Since you want a Geotiff file, explicitely choose the .tif format, and check if the flag has been corrected in the command line box. By clicking on the pencil next to it, you can change it to edit mode, and change the output format identifier manually.

I can't reproduce your error here, but it might just be a stored preset from another task you did before. https://hub.qgis.org/issues/15285 seems to be a similar case.