[GIS] Gdal Dataset.ReadAsArray() crashes Python


I am using Python 2.6.5 (32bit) with Numpy 1.3 and Gdal 1.9.1 installed on Windows 7 64bit. I am trying to read an 800 MB Imagine (.img) raster dataset into a Numpy array to do some raster algebra, but as soon as I run the following code, Python.exe crashes.

from osgeo import gdal

g = gdal.Open(r'path\to\dataset', gdal.GA_Readonly)
b = g.GetRasterBand(1)
data = b.ReadAsArray()

Python.exe crashes on the b.ReadAsArray() call. I did some Google searching and found articles dated from Gdal 1.6 that mentioned this issue with Windows 7 64bit, but they also mentioned that it had been fixed in the latest development versions at that time.

Has anyone else had this issue? Any workarounds?


I decided to debug the code in PyDev to try to determine where it is failing. From what I can tell (still not getting any error messages) it is failing on line 22 of gdal_array.py.

_mod = imp.load_module('_gdal_array', fp, pathname, description)

When I step into the line of code above, it brings me into the init.py module of numpy. When I reach the end of the numpy.__init__.py module, it steps out back to the above line of code. Then, when I hit the step into button, which should bring me to the next line within gdal_array.py, the script just terminates with no error messages or anything.


I uninstalled GDAL 1.9.1 and installed GDAL 1.6.1 from the Python Cheeseshop and OSGeo's Windows Binaries. Still had the same issue.

Best Answer

As suspected by many commenters, this was an issue with my install. Apparently, i was not paying close enough attention when installing GDAL and the Python Bindings.

I installed GDAL Core and plugins (dll's) from gisinternals.com, but somehow I didn't think to install the Python Bindings from there as well. The Python Bindings I installed were from a different site (can't remember which one at this point).

When I reinstalled GDAL and Python Bindings all from gisinternals.com, I was able to successfully ReadAsArray.

Thank you to all who commented and answered and I apologize for my ignorance.

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