[GIS] Gauss Kruger to WGS84

coordinate systemwgs84

I have to transform Gauss Kruger coordinates to WGS84 in my software application. I'm using the Java library of PROJ4 to do that.

For Gauss Kruger, I always use EPSG:31466 and for WGS84 EPSG:4326. When I compare my transformations with the results of some online coordinate transformation tools, I realized that for points outside EPSG:31466 (Gauss Kruger zone 2) I get different results.

Given only the Gauss Kruger coordinates, how can get the same results as the online tools?

Is this possible without additional information?

I have no experience with coordinate systems.

Best Answer

Did you define the towgs84 parameters, if yes which set you are using? Whiteout parameters the difference can grow up to 230m.

In relation to transformation with gridshift (beta2007), i detect the following possible differences

|name        |min                    |avg                  |max               |
|beta2007    |  0.0                  |   0.0               |   0.0            |
|none        | 99.250366063551       | 168.54883882139686  | 229.80965234792  |
|DHDN 1995   |  0.0039479794869021   |   1.3881561638417907|   5.3941602247576|
|DHDN 2001   |  0.0012488505338594   |   1.1313220611228276|   4.4184600531721|
|DHDN middle |  0.0063214990593368   |   1.4902204047890757|   5.7135874379391|
|DHDN north  |  0.0062192022064108   |   2.383577943992589 |   9.6145778026886|
|DHDN south  |  0.0025021389171325003|   1.9607273460804975|   7.7021706883189|
|PD/83       |  0.0066647722696291   |   1.1689030241033365|   5.7448426426863|
|RD/83       |  0.006001788797633601 |   1.6276119718489253|   6.0123640601873|
|boundless   |  0.01218811866022     |   1.6378737326663775|   6.0457296947613|
|proj4js     |  0.0029917728718977   |   3.682670211383219 |   9.6418722378787|

The transformation descriptions are here, the boundless parameter here, proj4js just use by default a 3 parameter set.

de_dhdn_2001   = 598.1,   73.7, 418.2,  0.202,  0.045, -2.455,   6.7
de_dhdn_1995   = 582.0,  105.0, 414.0,  1.04,    0.35,  -3.08,   8.3
de_dhdn_north  = 590.5,   69.5, 411.6, -0.796, -0.052, -3.601,  8.30
de_dhdn_middle = 584.8,   67.0, 400.3,  0.105,  0.013, -2.378, 10.29
de_dhdn_south  = 597.1,   71.4, 412.1,  0.894,  0.068, -1.563,  7.58
de_pd83        = 599.4,   72.4, 419.2, -0.063, -0.022, -2.723,  6.46
de_rd83        = 612.4,   77.0, 440.2, -0.054,  0.057, -2.797,  2.55
de_4283        =  24.9, -126.4, -93.2, -0.063, -0.247, -0.041,  1.01
boundless      = 612.4,   77.0, 440.2, -0.054,  0.057, -2.797,  0.5259752559300956
proj4js        = 606.0,   23.0, 413.0,  0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0

If you don't use the gridshift method, you should use the de_dhdn_2001 Parameter set for whole Germany.

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