[GIS] From .shp to .kml to .shp Without Losing Attributes

arcgis-desktopconvertgoogle earthkmlshapefile

I've converted a shapefile with attributes to a .kml for a client. The .kml and attributes were then edited within google earth. I received the updated .kml and now I need to get it back to .shp. The problem is: all of my attributes are now in html format, which makes the popup info box in google earth. When I try to convert back to .shp my attributes get lumped into a (google created) "Description" field. And ALL of my attributes and information is lumped into a single cell. Is there some way to extract the data from the "Description" field. Even if I do that, is there an easy way to get rid of the html format and make it usable?

This is what I get using the "Fusion Table" method I found on some forums. You can see the html in the left, it continues on further than it shows.


I am using ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.

Best Answer

I've just confirmed that a Spatial ETL tool created using the Data Interoperability extension will bring the attributes from your KML/KMZ file back to a shapefile with the schema in tact. Just select the Dynamic Schema option in the tool creation wizard:

Spatial ETL step

a work around would be to parse the description field for the values of the various attribute fields you need and copy them into the appropriate fields. And next time, get your client to add attributes into an excel spread sheet or something so that you can just join it back to your shapefile for updating.

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