[GIS] Formula to convert State Plane Coordinates to Latitude and Longitude

arcgis-rest-apiconvertcoordinate systemstate-plane

The data I have is in State Plane Coordinates and I need them in regular Latitude and Longitude form. Is there an easy formula to convert them?

ZONE: 3104 (NAD 1983 StatePlane New York Long Island FIPS 3104 Feet)

I'm pulling the data from ArcGIS NYC MapPluto API query here
eg. Where: bbl = 1000430006 and I'm requesting GeoJSON output.

Is there a way to output the data already converted?

Best Answer

If you set the "Output spatial reference" field to "4326", you'll get the results returned using EPSG:4326 coordinate system, which is the usual lat-long used these days, and is the same system that most GPS units default to.

With "output spatial reference" left blank:

# results: 1

geometry    Polygon:
Ring0:[981499.81518554687,197022.05780029297],[981381.22521972656,196861.61462402344],[981307.0732421875,196922.38079833984]...2 more...

With "output spatial reference" set to 4326:

# results: 1

geometry    Polygon:
Ring0:[-74.009920968454054,40.707464582669736],[-74.010348637064965,40.7070241663017],[-74.010616117411985,40.707190930767545]...2 more...