Python Heat Map – How to Fix Folium plugins.HeatMapWithTime Not Producing Output

foliumheat mappython

I have been creating Heat Maps with a Time dimension using both test data and my own datasets using the Folium libraries in Python. I am using Python 3.5 to do this, and the results have been good.

I have been away and one returning I have noticed that these scripts no longer produce a result that is viewable.

The scripts run without error, and the outputs open with the correct basemaps, however, the heatmap and the time sliders are no longer visible.

At first I thought it was the data I was using, but I have a test script taken from Git that I have been using to test some formatting and displays, but this no longer works.

import folium
import folium.plugins as plugins
import numpy as np
import webbrowser

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

initial_data = (
    np.random.normal(size=(100, 2)) * np.array([[1, 1]]) +
    np.array([[48, 5]])

move_data = np.random.normal(size=(100, 2)) * 0.01

data = [(initial_data + move_data * i).tolist() for i in range(100)]

weight = 1  # default value
for time_entry in data:
    for row in time_entry:

print (data)

time_index = [
    ( + k * timedelta(1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for
    k in range(len(data))

print (len(time_index))

m = folium.Map([48., 5.], tiles='stamentoner', zoom_start=6)

hm = plugins.HeatMapWithTime(

hm.add_to(m) (r'c:\temp\Time.html')'c:\temp\Time.html')

Has something changed with the Folium libraries / anything?
I thought maybe it was a firewall issue at work, but even going offline / using a connection outside of work produces the same result:

A Basemap, with no data to display.

Best Answer

There has been an update in December 2019 upgrade folium and it should return, mine have today on doing pip install folium --upgrade

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