[GIS] FME workbench convert Geotiff to ECW


Can anybody guide me with this error message from the FME workbench when I try to read a geotiff file and write it as a ECW file

ERROR MESSAGE: ECW writer: Unsupported band interpretation 'REAL32'.
Please convert the interpretation to one of the following valid types:
UINT8, GRAY8, GREEN8, RED8, ALPHA8, BLUE8 A fatal error has occurred.
Check the logfile above for details A fatal error has occurred. Check
the logfile above for details

How do I move on, can anybody link to some documentation eventually

Best Answer

So, it appears that your TIF is in REAL32 which isn't supported by ECW. It's interesting that you're getting an error, because the writer documentation states that:

Any non-eight-bit source data will be rescaled to eight-bit.

However, you can force the data to be 8-bit by using a RasterInterpretationCoercer. I would set your output to RGB24 depending on your needs: enter image description here

Other transformers to look at:

  1. RasterBandInterpretationCoercer
  2. RasterPaletteInterpretationCoercer

But they look at individual bands and palettes rather than the entire raster as a whole.

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