[GIS] FME area on area overlayer dropping components of some features


As it says in the title, is this expected behaviour?

What happens is that the dataset before the area on area overlayer has some features (in the image below, the large green parts are the same feature, there is a point where they touch). The lower part of the green feature is lost when the transformer is run. This shouldn't happen!

I have an example dataset and workspace, here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n50h39yftp7nhtx/fme_bug.zip.

There are a number of other cases where this happens in my dataset. Any thoughts?

This image shows, circled in blue, the component of the green area that is lost after running the aeraonareaoverlayer transformer.

Best Answer

Adding the GeometryValidator to the workspace solved the issue [Using FME 2013 SP1]

So this is likely to be a data issue rather than an FME bug.

How was the data created?

enter image description here