[GIS] Fixing thousands of small overlapping polygons


I'm using ArcMap 10.3.

I have a layer of different land use types. I found out that many polygons overlap each other and as a result the same polygon have two different land use types.

Using @radouxju's answer, I built a topology for the land use layer (with the mustn't overlap rule). Then, I used merge to fix the large overlapping polygons.

However, I have thousands of small overlapping polygons. I can fix all of them manually which will be time taking.

Is there a faster way to fix all these errors?

enter image description here

enter image description here

I have updated the map to show all land use types. Polygons are overlapping each others; not slivers.

Best Answer

If your polygons are slivers the eliminate command works well to merge them into either the larger area polygon or the longest edge.

If the polygons are overlaps then there may be an easier way, but I would select out the overlaps to a separate layer, then union them back in, creating the slivers and using the eliminate command.