Fixing Non-Noded Intersection in PostGIS – How to Fix Non-Noded Intersection Problem in PostGIS


I'm using a PL/R function and PostGIS to generate voronoi polygons around a set of points. The function that I am using is defined here. When I use this function on a particular dataset I get the following error message:

Error : ERROR:  R interpreter expression evaluation error
DETAIL:  Error in pg.spi.exec(sprintf("SELECT %3$s AS id,   
AS polygon FROM %1$s WHERE st_intersects(%2$s::text,'SRID='||st_srid(%2$s)||';%4$s');",  
:error in SQL statement : Error performing intersection: TopologyException: found non-noded 
intersection between LINESTRING (571304 310990, 568465 264611) and LINESTRING (568465 
264611, 594406 286813) at 568465.05533706467 264610.82749605528
CONTEXT:  In R support function pg.spi.exec In PL/R function r_voronoi

From examining this part of the error message:

Error performing intersection: TopologyException: found non-noded intersection between
LINESTRING (571304 310990, 568465 264611) and LINESTRING (568465 264611, 594406 286813) 
at 568465.05533706467 264610.82749605528

This is what the problem listed above looks like:

enter image description here

I initially thought that this message might be caused by the existence of identical points, and tried to solve this using the st_translate() function, used in the following way:

ST_Translate(geom, random()*20, random()*20) as geom 

This does fix the problem, but my concern is that I am now translating all points up to ~20m in the x/y direction. I also can't tell what an appropriate translation amount is need.

For example, in this dataset through trial and error a 20m * random number is ok, but how can I tell if this needs to be bigger?

Based on the image above I think the problem is that the point is intersecting with the line while the algorithm is trying to intersect the point with a polygon. I'm not sure what I should be doing to ensure that the point is within a polygon, rather than intersecting with a line. The error is occurring on this line:

  %3$s AS id, 
  st_intersection(''SRID=''||st_srid(%2$s)||'';%4$s''::text,''%5$s'') AS polygon 

I have read through What is a "non-noded intersection"? to try to better understand this problem.

Best Answer

In my experience this problem is nearly always caused by:

  1. High precision in your coordinates (43.231499999999996), combined with
  2. Lines that are almost coincident but not identical

The "nudge" approach of the ST_Buffer solutions lets you get away with #2, but anything you can do to resolve these underlying causes, like snapping your geometry to a 1e-6 grid, will make your life easier. The buffered geometries are usually fine for intermediate calculations like overlap area, but you'll want to be careful about retaining them because they can make your close-but-not-quite problems worse in the long haul.

PostgreSQL's exception-handling capability lets you write wrapper functions to handle these special cases, buffering only when needed. Here's an example for ST_Intersection; I use a similar function for ST_Difference. You'll need to decide if the buffering and potential return of an empty polygon are acceptable in your situation.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION safe_isect(geom_a geometry, geom_b geometry)
RETURNS geometry AS
    RETURN ST_Intersection(geom_a, geom_b);
                RETURN ST_Intersection(ST_Buffer(geom_a, 0.0000001), ST_Buffer(geom_b, 0.0000001));
                    WHEN OTHERS THEN
                        RETURN ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON EMPTY');

Another benefit with this approach is you can pinpoint the geometries that are actually causing your problems; just add some RAISE NOTICE statements in the EXCEPTION block to output WKT or something else that will help you track down the problem.