[GIS] Fixing Landsat 7 SLC-off in ENVI


I have a couple of Landsat 7 images and they all have striping as a result of the SLC failure. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to destripe the image using ENVI? I plan to use these images for NDVI analysis.

When I downloaded the data from GloVis, it also came with a Gap Mask folder…is that somehow related to the SLC-Off?

Best Answer

Save this Landsat Gapfill IDL Model into the ENVI extensions folder:

  • Application extensions folder - "C:\Program Files\Exelis\ENVI5[minor version]\extensions"
  • User extensions folder - "C:\Users\[user name]\.idl\envi\extensions5_[minor version]".

E.g for ENVI 5.3 "C:\Program Files\Exelis\ENVI53\extensions" or "C:\Users\MyUserName\.idl\envi\extensions5_3"

In version 5 it will be under Extensions > Landsat_gapfill menu. It is fairly straightforward to understand the usage.

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