[GIS] Fiona ImportError: DLL load failed


I've been using the great Shapely/Fiona combo successfully on Linux, but now i need to create a kind of production environment on windows and theres only one problem. When i try to import fiona, i get the following error:

Import DLL error

if i try to check dependancies of the ogrext.pdy using dependancy walker, it seems it is trying to load GDAL version 1.10 dll and fails. Strangely though, i have GDAL 1.9.2 installed and it seems to import into python without a problem (from osgeo import gdal). So maybe its not even related to the fiona import issue. Also, im 100% i downloaded the fiona installer for python 2.7 since i know issues can arise if you use .pyd files intended for a different version of python.

Note, im using a standalone installation of python 2.7.5, without using osgeo4w installer.

Best Answer

This ongoing issue used to be caused by Fiona being incompatible with GDAL, but Fiona has been updated, so the below answers may be more relevant.

Fiona 1.8.9 supports GDAL 3.0


A shim module and support for GDAL 3.0 has been added. The package can now be built and used with GDAL 3.0 and PROJ 6.1 or 6.2. Note that the 1.8.9 wheels we will upload to PyPI will contain GDAL 2.4.2 and PROJ 4.9.3 as in the 1.8.8 wheels.